EBS as the authorized partner of Blackberry
We are glad to announce Electronic Business Solutions Limited has been appointed as the authorized partner by BlackBerry®. BlackBerry® is a global leader in mobile communications that revolutionized the mobile industry when it was introduced in 1999. Today, BlackBerry aims to inspire the success of our millions of customers around the world by continuously pushing the boundaries of mobile experiences.BlackBerry® offers comprehensive, cloud-enabled software that helps companies manage and secure the Enterprise of Things. The totality of the BlackBerry solution is called BlackBerry Secure, and is grounded in the new BlackBerry mobile software security platform.
Product / Solution Planet
BlackBerry® UEM
A multi-OS EMM solution to manage mobility for your secured enterprise
Protect Your Business Data and Increase Productivity by Fully Enabling Your Workforce
Manage all endpoints from a unified console
- Deploy on-premises or via cloud – with flexibility to migrate
Manage all major operating systems
- iOS, Android, Windows 10, macOS, BlackBerry
Manage secure containers and OS frameworks
- Multi-OS: BlackBerry Dynamics
- iOS: Managed App Configuration, AppConfig Community
- Android: Android for Work, Samsung Knox Workspace
- Windows 10: Windows Information Protection (WIP)
Manage all device ownership models:
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Company Owned, Personal Enabled (COPE)
- Company Owned, Business Only (COBO)
Stratus Fault Tolerant ftServer
IT PRO Corporate Choice 2016得獎產品:Stratus Fault Tolerant ftServer
Stratus容錯伺服器 頂級穩定性業務永續運作
時間等於金錢。當今企業經營環境中,許多關鍵應用如購物網站、財務交易系統,工業自動化系統及重要IT設施,不能延誤或停頓,否則損失慘重。Stratus容錯伺服器(Fault Tolerant Server)在硬件、軟件和服務上採納最佳設計,有效防止意外停機,確保關鍵應用始終正常運行。
StratusftServer 提供最高水平的可用性、虛擬化並可輕鬆維護。它可預防停機和數據丟失,其永遠在線功能利用了最新的Intel處理器技術並支持Windows、Linux和虛擬化技術,實現高級同步、實時管理和監控,從而實現極高保護,保持業務永續運作。
資匯科技有限公司(EBS)是Stratus香港代理, 經營高可用性及容錯伺服器市場逾10年。EBS董事總經理羅偉成表示, 消費者要求提高了, 致使各行各業均要使用IT長時間經營業務。特別是物聯網時代, 任何層面均用上連網服務, 如何確保服務不停頓至關重要。Stratus ftServer為防止意外停機而設, 透過最新Intel 處理器技術並支持Windows 、Linux 和虛擬化技術(VMware、Hyper-V和KVM),實現業務連續性和資料完整性。專注連續處理技術36年
作為Stratus逾十年合作夥伴,羅偉成最欣賞該公司對技術及產品的熱誠和專注,36年來始終如一地從事容錯技術。他指出,ftServer提供的高容錯解決方案,比高可用性(HA Server)要求更高,穩定性達到99.9999%。StratusftServer配備精湛連續處理技術,包括精確的同步LOCKSTEP技術、安全故障FAILSAFE軟件,以及啟動服務,保證在出現任何錯誤時,也能無間斷處理運作,以及在不損失數據的情況下,恢復正常運行。精簡管理節省成本
今天企業花不少資源在IT管理上,ftServer能以較低成本及高穩定性取代傳統大型主機,更通過自動訂購和更換、熱插拔及全天候系統監控,提供簡單又出色管理服務, 無需佔用企業大量IT資源。同時其高穩定性亦有效延長系統壽命,最大限度地減少頻繁及昂貴的技術更新。羅偉成總結,EBS為ftServer客戶提供資深顧問、設計、售前售後服務以外,亦按需要提供全天候維護及1小時內上門維修服務,完全滿足企業對業務永續運作的要求。